Our History

We specialise in building materials which are natural. Using methods and techniques found throughout history.
Malcolm started working within the nature sector in 1966 as a Trainee Forester. 50 years on, here we are, within this time we have worked with a variety of staple building materials such as clay, chalk and native hardwood. Traditional earth blocks, wattle and daub and clay bats have all been used in our builds and repairs.
We, along with a plethora of others, are searching for solutions to cut emissions allowing us to live longer and healthier, and ultimately help our planet. We use methods and materials of the past when mankind was more closely aligned to nature. Malcolm attempted to retire in 2012, but found that having more time just meant he was finding more ways in which to build naturally.

From 2012 to 2016 Malcolm found himself experimenting to create the perfect, building block that is kind to the environment. As well as ideally being easy to build with.
During the 4 years Malcolm created the perfect mix for the consistency of bricks to build both single walls and buildings.
Once the mix was perfected the BETTABLOK was born, cue finding handling equipment MOGGY THE BETTABLOK BUILDER.